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Welcome to CLP Project

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If you want to change your information, please complete the new request.

Your Balance for Investment saved:

Your Balance CLP Token

Withdrawal BUSD

Did you know? Users who have registered their business and have saved at least $1 CLP tokens in the BiSwap exchange pool will receive 5% free tokens per month in BUSD.

At the end of every month, send us the wallet address where you invested CLP in the BiSwap exchange. We evaluate it and give you 5% of the pool balance in BUSD.

Note: For the security of your account, please connect to the exchange only with Trust wallet or Binance Chain wallets.
send us the wallet address where you invested CLP in the BiSwap exchange.

Withdrawal CLP TOKEN

Visit the dedicated business page and get CLP tokens. You can withdraw the tokens stored in your user account from this section.
Get CLP Token using the Binance Scan Smart Contract link, create your wallet address, and submit it through this form to get CLP Token.  How to add a custom token?

Smart Contract: 0xB9e8E7BF21A6e3F605bB680F3fB47a0b49b7747f